The NROTC Basic College Program (CP) represents a path for receiving an officer commission in the United States Navy (USN) or Marine Corps (USMC).
The requirements for participation in college program vary slightly for each service: USN vs USMC (see the application links below for more details). Both USN and USMC students participating in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln NROTC CP shall attend orientation week, attend NROTC classes at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, maintain at least 12.0 academic credit hours per semester at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and serve as full time members of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln NROTC battalion as midshipmen. CP students receive all required uniforms for battalion participation at no cost. However, CP students do not receive scholarship benefits of any kind, such as monetary stipends, tuition/fee payment benefits, or book payment benefits. Additionally, basic CP students do not attend summer training.
The short-term objective of basic CP students is to earn a 'side load' scholarship. Side-load scholarships require applications and may be submitted no earlier than the spring semester of a student’s freshman year. The side-load scholarship, once activated, provides students with the same benefits as a 4-year national scholarship midshipman. Side load scholarship applications are reviewed at the national level with many other applications from all NROTC programs across the nation. Side load scholarship boards are very competitive. Students with high grade point averages, outstanding physical fitness scores, and who demonstrate a high potential for officer service are generally the most competitive. For both USN and USMC CP students, you must earn a side load scholarship by the close of their sophomore year.
In the event a USN CP student does not receive a side load scholarship, they may be able to receive USN CP 'Advanced Standing' status in lieu of a side load scholarship. Similar to the side load scholarship, an application is required to attain Advanced Standing status. USN CP Advanced Standing Students receive a monetary stipend, but do not receive tuition/fee payment benefits or book payment benefits. USN CP Advanced Standing students also attend summer training during the summer between their junior and senior years. For USMC CP students, Advanced Standing is not available. Failure to earn a scholarship (USN and USMC CP) or advanced standing status (USN CP only) by the required timelines shall result in the student’s disenrollment from the program as the requirement for commissioning is to be accepted as either an Advanced Standing or Scholarship student by the commencement of junior year.
All USMC CP students earning a side load scholarship shall attend United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School (OCS) during the summer between their junior and senior years the same as 4-year national scholarship students. It should also be noted that Navy ROTC will consider a CP application for a 5-year student with 3 academic years remaining, although they may be considered a 'junior' already by the university. These situations are handled on a case-by-case basis with current GPA as a strong consideration in the decision for acceptance.
The long term goal of USN and USMC CP students is to earn an officer commission. USN and USMC CP at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln NROTC is not designed to be a “resume builder” for students. Additionally, CP is not designed to prepare individuals for enlisted service. Individuals applying for college program shall be motivated to earn a scholarship and ultimately earn a commission as an officer serving in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. Are you ready for the challenge? If so, click the appropriate link below to get started.
How to Apply
- The College Program applications are managed at the local NROTC Unit level. A complete application will consist of the following:
- Completed College Program Application
- Completed Report of Medical History DD 2807-1
- High school or college transcript
- Personal Statement
- Indicate why you want to join the NROTC program and pursue a commission as a Navy or Marine Officer
- A copy of SAT or ACT results
- Completed Drug and Alcohol Statement of Understanding